- class src.boatwright.Optimizations.Optimization.Optimization(strategy_class, symbol, broker, loss_function, data, executer=<src.boatwright.BacktestExecutors.SequentialExecutor.SequentialExecutor object>)¶
Optimizations here are considered to be any routine which systematicly runs backtests searching for better performing strategy parameters by means of a loss function
- Parameters:
strategy – the strategy being optimized
loss_function – a method taking a backtest which is minimized by the optimization, e.g. f_loss = -ROI(backtest) would maximize profit
broker (BacktestBroker) – broker object.
data (DataFrame) – candle stick data to conduct backtests on
executer (BacktestExecutor) – handles the running of all the backtests
strategy_class (Strategy)
symbol (str)
- Variables:
backtests – (
) the list of backtests each optimization generates as it runs
- abstract calc_prerequisite_data_length()¶
calculates the largest possible prerequiste data length possible for the strategy and parameter space
- abstract run(verbose=False)¶
runs backtests using the backtest executer
- Parameters:
verbose (bool) – boolean toggle for printing progress to the terminal
- Returns:
) The strategy which minimizes self.loss_function
Utility Functions:
- src.boatwright.Optimizations.Optimization.generate_parameter_combinations(parameter_values)¶
- Parameters:
parameter_values (dict) – like {“fast_period”: [10,20,30], “slow_period”:[50,100]}
- Returns:
list of parameter combinations like [{“fast_period”:10, “slow_period”: 50}, {“fast_period”:10, “slow_period”: 100}, {“period”:20, “slow_period”: 50} … ]