.. _orders: Orders ====== Orders specify how brokers handle the purchase and sale of assets. Strategies create orders and place them with its assigned broker attribute. In the case of a backtest, this places the order with a BacktestBroker object, and in the case of live execution the broker objects reformats the order into the appropriate API call .. note:: The precise handling of orders differs from broker to broker, as well as the variety and complexity of available order types. This library handles the most common order types common to most brokers. In some instances, if an order type is not available with a broker it is handled by combining local logic and the available order options (e.g. a trailing stop order where price data is monitored locally and then placing a market or limit order). .. automodule:: src.boatwright.Orders.Order .. autoclass:: Order :members: .. _market_order: .. autoclass:: MarketOrder :members: .. _limit_order: .. autoclass:: LimitOrder :members: .. _stop_order: .. autoclass:: StopOrder :members: .. _trailing_order: .. autoclass:: TrailingOrder :members: