.. _installation: Installation ============ 1. Fill out a short `market research survey `_ to recieve a link to the a gitfront of the repository 2. Clone the package into your home repository: :: cd ~ git clone `gitfront link` 3. Intall the package and dependencies: :: pip install ~/boatwright 4. Configure 3rd party API keys by creating ~/boatwright/config.json file (Optional but recommended) :: { "DATA_DIR": "~/HistoricalData", "COINBASE": { "key": "users_api_key_here", "secret": "users_secret_api_key_here" }, "ALPACA": { "key": "users_api_key_here", "secret": "users_secret_api_key_here" }, "ALPACA_PAPER": { "key": "users_api_key_here", "secret": "users_secret_api_key_here" } } Dependencies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - numpy - pandas - tqdm - multiprocess - websockets - requests - matplotlib - mplcursors